Saint John Beer Mile 2023
When | June 24, 2023 – 10 pm – Please arrive 30m minutes prior to start. Depending on numbers there may be multiple sections of the race. |
Where | Canada Games Stadium, 100 Tucker Park Road, UNB Saint John, Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada |
Eligibility | Runners must be legal drinking age – Age 19 as of the day of the event. Proper identification will be required. |
Beer | Runners are not allowed to bring their own beer. Beer will be provided as part of the registration. |
Cost | Early Bird – Before June 10 – $35 per runner Regular – June 11-June 20 – $40 per runner Late – June 21-June 22 – $45 per runner – Every registration includes 4 beers for the competition. – Funds raised will be used to assist local track & field athletes. |
Registration | Register at: http://www.trackiereg.com/SJBeerMile2023Advance registration is required before June 22, 2023. No on-site registration will be allowed. |
Post Race | If you can stomach it, you can join us for pizza after the event. |

Beer Mile Rules
The beer mile is pretty simple. Drink 4 beers and run 4 laps around the track in alternating fashion as quickly as you can. But just to be sure everyone is on the same playing field, here is the standard set of beer mile rules to follow.
1. Each competitor (men and women of legal drinking age) drinks four bottles of beer and runs four laps around a standard running track (start with chugging a beer, then run a lap, then beer, then lap, then beer, then lap, then beer, then lap – finish).
2. Beer must be consumed before the lap begins within the transition area. The transition area is the 9-meter zone between the starting line for a mile race and the finish line of a 400m track.
3. The race begins with competitors lined up on the mile starting line, drinking the first beer in the transition zone described in the step above. This ensures competitors cover a complete mile. Competitors can walk/move in the transition area while drinking, but all beer must be consumed in the transition area before setting off to run a lap.
4. Competitors must drink canned or bottled beer that is no less than 355mL (12 Oz) in volume, which is the standard can/bottle size in the USA and some other countries.
5. No specialized cans or bottles may be used that give an advantage by allowing the beer to pour at a faster rate (e.g. wide mouth bottles/cans).
6. Beer cans must not be tampered with in any manner. (e.g. no shotgunning, puncturing the can, squeezing the can, etc.). The same applies for bottles – no straws or other aids allowed that speed up the pouring process. The only action allowed is opening the can with the tab at the top or twisting off the bottle cap of a bottle.
7. Beer must be a minimum of 5% alcohol by volume. Hard ciders, hard sodas, and other alcoholic sugary drinks will not suffice. The beer must be a fermented alcoholic beverage brewed from malted cereal grains and flavored with hops.
8. Each beer can/bottle must not be opened until the competitor enters the transition zone on each lap.
9. Competitors who vomit before they finish the race must complete one penalty lap at the end of the race (immediately after the completion of their 4th lap). Vomiting more than once during the race still only requires one penalty lap at the end.
10. It is recommended to provide video evidence of the race and prove that all beer was sufficiently drank. This can be achieved by tipping the empty beer over your head after each chug to verify an empty vessel.
11. For a record performance, officials will collect the containers and pour the contents into a measuring cup to prove there is less than 4oz of liquid/foam remaining total across all four beers.